University Partnership Research Grants for the Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) Program


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In 2011, OPRE awarded five University Partnership Research Grants for the Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) Program to support research and evaluation studies focused on questions relevant to HPOG program goals and objectives. Applicants were required to demonstrate a partnership with one or more of the HPOG programs funded in 2010 as an integral part of the research plan development and execution.

The grants awarded were as follows:

Organization Receiving Award:

Project Title:

Short Description:

HPOG Program Partner:

Northwestern University

CareerAdvance: A Dual-Generation Program's Effects on Families and Children

Examined two-generation program effects on family, parent and child outcomes

Community Action Project of Tulsa County, Inc. (Tulsa, OK)

Temple University

Building Capacities/Making Connections: A Multi-Year Study of Human and Social Capital Development through the Health Information Professions Career Pathways Initiative

Examined how participant networks and community contexts facilitate or impede success in workforce development programs

Temple University, Center for Social Policy and Community Development (Philadelphia, PA)

Brandeis University

Study of Employment and Advancement of Racial, Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities for New Hampshire Health Profession Opportunity Project

Assessed best practices for developing a diverse workforce and related career mobility pipeline

New Hampshire Office of Minority Health and Refugee Affairs
(Concord, NH)

Loyola University of Chicago

Evaluation of Empowerment Pathways to Self-Sufficiency in Health Professions Career Development for Low-Income Individuals

Evaluated empowerment-based workforce development models (extent to which one’s psychological self-sufficiency affects one’s employment placement and outcomes in health professions)

Gateway Technical College
(Kenosha, WI);
Southland Health Care Forum
(Chicago Heights, IL); Instituto del Progreso Latino
(Chicago, IL)

North Dakota State University

Sustaining Career Pathways for American Indian Health Professionals in ND: Building Apprenticeship and Workforce Options with the Next Steps HPOG Project

Explored the recruitment and retention of American Indians into professional nursing programs

Cankdeska Cikana Community College
(Fort Totten, ND)


The point of contact is Hilary Forster.

Related Resources

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