In 1997, the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES) was launched to provide descriptive, nationally representative information on the characteristics, experiences, and development of Head Start children and families, and the characteristics of the Head Start programs and staff who serve them. Until 2015, FACES only included children, families, and programs in Head Start Regions I-X. In 2015, the American Indian/Alaska Native Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (AI/AN FACES) was launched, which collects information children, families, and programs in Head Start Region XI[1].
Spring data collection for FACES and AI/AN FACES began in late February 2020, just before Head Start centers nationwide began closing due to concerns around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). By mid-March 2020, due to COVID-19, most Head Start programs closed physical buildings and changed their operations to continue to meet the needs of the families they serve.
Because programs were adjusting their services and communication with both families and staff in a variety of ways, both FACES and AI/AN FACES added items to the center director and program director surveys to capture their response to COVID-19 and upcoming summer plans to still provide services.
[1] Region XI serves programs that are operated by federal recognized tribes.
Key Findings and Highlights
Below is a list of constructs that are included in each of the questionnaires.
Program Director
- Program closure
- Contact with/services for enrolled families
- Changes in services/referrals for enrolled families
- Contact with/communication with staff
- Program enrollment
- Professional development/support for staff
- CARES funding for summer program
- General program supports
Center Director
- Impact on staff, families, and community
- Program closure
- Contact with/services for enrolled families
- Changes in services/referrals for enrolled families
Mathematica. (2020). 2019 Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES) and American Indian/Alaska Native Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (AI/AN FACES): Questions from Program Director and Center Director Questionnaires about COVID-19. Washington, DC: Mathematica.
- AI/AN:
- American Indian/Alaska Native