In September 2019, OPRE awarded eleven new Child Care Policy Research Partnership (CCPRP) Grants. The CCPRP Grant Program supports active collaborations between state Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Lead Agencies and researchers to investigate questions of immediate relevance to local and national child care policies and practices. These four-year cooperative agreements are expected to add to our knowledge about the efficacy of child care subsidy policies and quality improvement initiatives in promoting family economic self-sufficiency, low-income families’ access to high quality child care programs, and children's healthy development and learning.
The FY2019 Child Care Policy Research Partnership Grantees are:
GrANTEE | pi(s) | partner(s) | project title |
SRI International | Todd Grindal Sheila Smith |
Arkansas Department of Child Care and Early Childhood Education; National Center for Children in Poverty | Implementation of Arkansas CCDF Policies to Prevent Expulsion and Promote Children’s Social-Emotional Growth |
SRI International | Kathleen Hebbeler | California Department of Education, Early Learning and Care Division | Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Subsidized Child Care in California |
Urban Institute | Heather Sandstrom Erica Greenberg |
District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Division of Early Learning | Access to a Supply of Quality Care in the District of Columbia: Project ASQC (“Ask”) |
Chapin Hall Center for Children | Robert M. Goerge | Illinois Department of Human Services, Office of Early Childhood; Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies; Illinois Head Start Association | Evaluating Investments to Expand High Quality Child Care Utilization and Supply in Illinois |
The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia | Daphna Bassok Anna Markowitz |
Louisiana Department of Education | New Strategies for Supporting Early Educators and Improving Quality at Scale: Lessons from Louisiana's Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate Program |
Child Trends, Incorporated | Tamara Halle | Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood | Effects of CCDF Policies and State Investments on Equitable Access to High Quality Subsidized Care in Maryland |
Trustees of Boston University | Yoonsook Ha | Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care | Quality of Subsidized Child Care Providers and Children's Care Stability: Implications for Early Educational Outcomes |
Public Policy Associates, Incorporated | Colleen Graber Nathan Burroughs |
Michigan Department of Education, Office of Great Start; Michigan Department of Health and Human Services | Michigan Child Care Subsidy Improvement through Research: Child Care Policy Research Partnership Grant |
Child Trends, Incorporated | Kathryn Tout Elizabeth Davis |
Minnesota Department of Human Services; University of Minnesota | A Research Partnership to Advance Equitable Access to Early Care and Education in Minnesota |
Regents of the University of New Mexico | Hailey Heinz Dana Bell |
New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department, Early Childhood Services Division; New Mexico’s Governor’s Children’s Cabinet; New Mexico Child Care & Education Association | Child Care Access and Barriers to Family Stability in a Majority-Hispanic Border State |
The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System | Amy Claessens | Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Division of Early Care and Education | Understanding Declines in Regulated Child Care Supply and Subsidy Use in Wisconsin |