The Data Linkage and Integration for Research and Statistical Purposes: an Annotated Bibliographyprovides technical assistance (TA) resources designed to build capacity and coordination and identify critical roles and processes related to linking and integrating administrative data for program operations, research, and statistical purposes.
Data linkage and integration brings together separate data tables, systems, or sources to provide program staff in states, Tribes, territories, and localities as well as researchers a richer understanding of the populations and communities they seek to serve. These insights may lead to improvements in programs, policies, and services. To do this effectively, programs need technical infrastructure, data governance, data analysis and visualization skills, and high-quality community engagement. Written guides and resources can support efforts to develop or access these essential capabilities for data linkage and integration. This annotated bibliography provides TA resources designed to build capacity and coordination and identify critical roles and processes related to linking and integrating administrative data for program operations, research, and statistical purposes.
Beginning in 2021, a team from SRI International, AnLar, and Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy collaborated with OPRE to understand how states, Tribes, territories, and localities use TA services to support their efforts to link and integrate internal and external datasets for program operations, research, and statistical purposes. This annotated bibliography is a point in time snapshot of the field as of 2021, with selective updates made by the team in 2023.
This annotated bibliography provides information about TA resources on linking and integrating administrative data for program operations, research, and statistical purposes. This information will be useful to program staff in states, Tribes, territories, and localities, as well as researchers interested in technical infrastructure, data governance, data analytics and use, and community engagement.
Key Findings and Highlights
The annotated bibliography provides detailed information for over 60 technical assistance resources on linking and integrating administrative data for program operations, research, and statistical purposes, including technical infrastructure, data governance, data analytics and use, and community engagement. The TA resources included met the following criteria:
- Comes from federal and non-federal programs, grants, organizations, or initiatives that have expertise in data and provide TA to states, Tribes, territories, localities and/or across agencies
- Focuses on linking or integrating human services data for program operations, research, or statistical purposes
- Addresses, at least in part, data linkage and/or integration
- Is publicly available at no cost
SRI International, AnLar, Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy (2024). Data Linkage and Integration for Research and Statistical Purposes: an Annotated Bibliography, OPRE Report # 2024-355, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, the Administration for Children and Families, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nor does it indicate endorsement of any of the resources or organizations listed. This report and other reports sponsored by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation are available at