This set of tables describes children who entered Head Start for the first time in fall 2009 and completed a year in the program in spring 2010, as well as their family backgrounds and the classrooms and programs that serve them. It is designed to accompany the research brief Child Outcomes and Classroom Quality in FACES 2009 (Moiduddin et al. 2011). Data are drawn from the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES), which was first launched in 1997 as a periodic, longitudinal study of program performance. Successive nationally representative samples of Head Start children, their families, classrooms, and programs provide descriptive information on the population served; staff qualifications, credentials, and opinions; Head Start classroom practices and quality measures; and child and family outcomes. FACES includes a battery of child assessments across many developmental domains; interviews with children’s parents, teachers, and program managers; and observations of classroom quality.