The Family and Provider/Teacher Relationship Quality Measures: Updated User’s Manual (revised April 2015) introduces the Family and Provider/Teacher Relationship Quality (FPTRQ) measures, describes how they were developed, and provides in-depth information on how to use them. Specifically, it explains why measures of quality in family and provider/teacher relationships are important and necessary and provides an overview of the measures; presents the FPTRQ conceptual model that informed the development of the measures; describes the process for developing the measures; describes the measures and the subscales; presents information on how to administer and score the measures; discusses possible uses and limitations of the measures; and presents technical information about the FPTRQ measures. In the appendices, additional technical information about the FPTRQ measures, descriptions of the pilot and field studies, the focus groups, and the cognitive interviews are included.
The original User’s Manual was posted online in November 2014. The current version replaces this version and was updated in April 2015 to edit the discussion of the family services staff (FSS) and FSS parent measures which underwent pilot testing from December 2014 through mid-February 2015.