Responsible Fatherhood (RF) programs, which focus on parenting, healthy relationships, and economic stability, might be relevant to many fathers, but relatively few young fathers participate in the programs. Young fathers (those younger than 30) might be more likely than older fathers to be in regular contact with their children and in a relationship with the children’s mother, and could strengthen their parenting and co-parenting skills by participating in RF programs. The young fathers who are just entering the workforce could also benefit from knowledge and support provided through RF programs’ employment services. However, programs often face challenges in recruiting young fathers and keeping them engaged in services.
This brief summarizes common challenges programs face in recruiting and engaging young fathers in RF programs. We also highlight potential strategies that programs can use to overcome these challenges. The literature and data collection that identified these challenges and strategies is described in more detail in a white paper about serving young fathers in RF programs (Hennigar et al. 2023).
Key Findings and Highlights
Recruitment challenges include:
- Young fathers can be difficult to locate through traditional community partners
- Young fathers often mistrust services, perhaps due to negative experiences with other organizations or systems
- Young fathers might doubt that they will benefit from RF services
Potential strategies to overcome recruitment challenges
- Embed program staff in the community and recruit from places that young people frequent
- Use a range of recruitment sources and communication methods
- Engage past participants or program ambassadors in the recruitment process
- Tailor the recruitment message to appeal to what young fathers need most, but do not overpromise what the program can offer
Engagement challenges include:
- Young fathers tend to have urgent needs and often are juggling competing priorities
- Many young fathers are grappling with their identities as men and as fathers
- Young fathers might not be mentally or emotionally ready to participate in a fatherhood program
- Some topics covered in workshops might be less relevant to young fathers
- Young fathers might be particularly hesitant to open up during workshop sessions because of peer norms and experiences in “classroom” settings
Engagement strategies include:
- Create a comfortable, inviting program culture that encourages young fathers’ contributions regardless of their stage in life.
- Encourage fathers to keep notes so they can reference information in the future when it becomes more relevant
- Enlist older men in the groups to act as mentors
- Modify existing services to accommodate young fathers to more directly respond to common needs.
Although previous literature and RF program staff describe challenges in enrolling and serving young fathers, involving them in RF services is an opportunity to provide young fathers with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in their roles as fathers and men. As RF programs continue to develop a better understanding of how to address young fathers’ needs, they will be able to reach more young fathers and help them achieve their personal and parenting goals.
Avellar, S., and Hennigar, A. Figuring it out: Serving young fathers in Responsible Fatherhood programs, OPRE Report #2023-280. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.