FY 2007 Performance Plan and FY 2005 Performance Report (contained within the FY 2007 Congressional Budget Justification)

Publication Date: January 15, 2007
Current as of:


In the FY 2007 performance budget, 60 of ACF’s performance measures (80 percent) are outcome measures and 13 (17 percent) are outcome-oriented efficiency measures. Altogether, 71 measures (95 percent) are either outcome or outcome-oriented efficiency measures. The Department has twenty HHS-wide objectives designed to better integrate HHS functions to ensure coordinated, seamless, and results-oriented management and operations across all agencies. One of these objectives, Achieve Performance Accountability, calls for HHS agencies to implement results-oriented management by creating meaningful, results-oriented performance contracts for Operating and Staff Division heads and for all employees, which ACF has done.

Eight programs were assessed as part of the FY 2007 budget process using OMB’s Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART): three Adoption Programs, two Refugee Resettlement programs, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Mentoring Children of Prisoners, and the Social Services Block Grant. The results of PART reviews have guided the development of improved outcome and efficiency measures. For example, ACF has developed new outcome performance measures for Adoption programs (e.g., closing the gap between the percentage of children 9 and older waiting to be adopted and those actually adopted), and has changed the performance measure to capture the adoption rate rather than the number of adoptions. We also have created new efficiency measures, such as one for the ORR Matching Grant program to increase the number of Matching Grant program refugees who are self-sufficient (not dependent on any cash assistance) within the first six months (180 days after arrival), per million dollars awarded to grantees.

For more information on this report, please visit /archive/olab/resource/archived-congressional-budget-justifications-fy-2012-2004.