This compilation of Grantee Evaluation Plan Profiles introduces and describes the evaluation studies developed by the Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (Tribal Home Visiting Program) Development and Implementation Grantees (DIGs) and Implementation and Expansion Grantees Cohort 2 (IEG2s). Each Tribal Home Visiting Program grantee was required to develop an evaluation of its program. DIGs were required to develop a formative evaluation intended to support staff in understanding and improving program design and performance. IEG2s were required to develop a locally relevant program evaluation that utilized a rigorous mixed-methods design. This document presents profiles of the innovative evaluation plans grantees developed to understand and strengthen their home visiting programs.
The Grantee Evaluation Plan Profiles describe the programs funded through the Tribal Home Visiting Program and highlight the creative approaches grantees developed to rigorously evaluate these programs. The profiles are designed for evaluators, program implementers, and federal staff who are looking to assess program impact in complex community contexts. These Profiles can be used as resources for the development and implementation of future evaluations in tribal communities, as well as to inform evaluation-related policies and grant requirements for tribal funding recipients.
The Tribal Evaluation Institute (TEI) developed an Evaluation Plan Profile for each grantee based on their local evaluation plans created as a requirement of grant funding. Each Profile presents a description of the program, a summary of the evaluation plan, and information about the evaluation team. The Profiles identify the home visiting model the grantee implemented; any adaptation, enhancement, or supplements created; the evaluation question(s); the evaluation design and outcomes of interest; the study type; the type of data collected and methods used; the target sample size; the data collection instruments intended to be used; the analysis plan; a description of evaluation team and community engagement efforts; and grantee contact information. Each grantee reviewed, provided feedback on, and approved the content of their Evaluation Plan Profile and its public dissemination.
Roberts, E., Park, C., Davis, C., Painter, A., & Morales, J. (2022). Grantee-led evaluations in the Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (2nd Edition): A compilation of grantee evaluation plan profiles for Development and Implementation Grantees funded in 2016 and Implementation and Expansion Grantees funded in 2018, OPRE Report # 2022-75, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.