PREP Performance Measures Fact Sheet: 2019–2020

Publication Date: April 22, 2022
The first page of the brief, entitled "PREP Performance Measures Fact Sheet: 2019–2020 "

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  • File Size: 762.38 KB
  • Pages: 4
  • Published: 2022


Research Questions

  1. What were the characteristics of PREP programs?
  2. Whom did PREP programs serve?
  3. How did youth respond to the PREP programs?

The goal of the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) is to educate adolescents on abstinence and contraception to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. PREP is administered by the Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) within the Administration for Children and Families of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

All PREP grantees are required to submit performance measures data to FYSB. This fact sheet summarizes some findings based on performance measures for the 2019—2020 reporting period.


PREP performance measures data provide systematic information about program operations and outcomes for all PREP grantees, their provider organizations, the programs they operate, and the youth they serve. The findings in this fact sheet are based on performance measures for the 2019—2020 reporting period.

Key Findings and Highlights

  • During the 2019—2020 reporting period, PREP funded 92 grantees and 386 program providers. Providers operated 496 programs that served 97,966 youth during the period.
  • The most commonly implemented program models were Making Proud Choices!, Teen Outreach Program, Be Proud! Be Responsible!, and Reducing the Risk.
  • PREP grantees must address at least three of six adulthood preparation subjects (APSs). Programs most commonly addressed healthy relationships, healthy life skills, and adolescent development.
  • Participants primarily attended PREP programming in schools during school time.
  • More than three-quarters of youth participants completed at least 75 percent of the intended programming hours.
  • PREP programs served diverse populations of youth.
  • At program exit, most youth reported positive perceptions of the PREP programs.


This fact sheet is based on measures PREP grantees submitted for the 2019—2020 reporting period. Grantees submit data on PREP performance measures at three levels: (1) grantee, (2) provider, and (3) program. Some measures are collected from individual participants through entry and exit surveys, and those results are combined at the program level for submission to FYSB. Analyses in this fact sheet are based on combined findings across grantees, providers, and programs.

Grantees use a web-based system to submit performance measures to FYSB. Performance measures on structure, cost, and support for program implementation are submitted annually. Other measures—such as attendance, reach, and dosage and measures of youth participants’ characteristics and experiences in PREP—are submitted twice a year.


Hulsey, Lara, Lauren Murphy, and Diletta Mittone (2022). “PREP Performance Measures Fact Sheet: 2019—2020,” OPRE Report #2022-89, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


Personal Responsibility Education Program
Family and Youth Services Bureau
Grantees were required to incorporate activities related to at least three adulthood preparation subjects (APSs): (1) healthy relationships, (2) adolescent development, (3) healthy life skills, (4) parent-child communication, (5) educational and career success, and (6) financial literacy.