This brief is part of a study focused more broadly on human services programs in rural contexts. Through a mixed methods research design that includes administrative and secondary data alongside 12 site visits, in tandem with engagement from human services practitioners and other subject matter experts, this project achieved the following: 1) provided an in-depth description of human services programs in rural contexts; 2) determined the remaining need for human services in rural communities; and 3) identified opportunities for strengthening the capacity of human services programs to promote the economic and social well-being of individuals, families, and communities in rural contexts.
This brief explores the findings on the state of available housing units and housing supports in rural contexts as well as identifies opportunities to strengthen those services. The study draws on existing literature and qualitative analysis of information shared through a series of in-depth interviews with rural human services program staff across 12 sites.
The purpose of this brief is to understand the current state of housing needs and housing supports in rural areas.
Key Findings and Highlights
This brief found that available housing may not meet the needs of rural families eligible for human services programs. Program staff reported access to affordable homes for purchase and rental housing is limited in rural areas and federal programs that exist to reduce housing costs do not meet the need nationally or specifically in rural contexts.
The lack of overall housing supply in rural communities, lack of Section 8 housing vouchers, and increases in home values because of people relocating to rural areas during the COVID-19 pandemic, can be barriers to the social and economic well-being of rural families as well as the recruitment of qualified staff for human services programs.
Non-federal human services providers such as nonprofit organizations with multiple funding streams are more flexible in the services they can provide as they are often free of the same funding restrictions as federal programs. In many cases, they can step in to fill gaps in the provision of housing supports.
Ward, E., J. Murdoch, N. Chakraborti, C. P. Scally, and A. Morgan. 2022. A Snapshot of Housing in Rural Contexts. OPRE Brief #2022-317. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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