Testing Two Subsidized Employment Approaches for Recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: Implementation and Early Impacts of the Los Angeles County Transitional Subsidized Employment

Publication Date: November 16, 2016
Current as of:


This report presents implementation findings and early impact results -- one year -- from a random assignment evaluation of subsidized employment for TANF recipients in Los Angeles County. The study examines the impact of two distinct approaches to subsidized employment. This test is part of ACF’s Subsidized and Transitional Employment Demonstration.

The first, Paid Work Experience, subsidizes the wages of individuals placed at nonprofit or public-sector employers. The second, On-the-Job Training, offers wage subsidies to private-sector employers who agree to place employees onto their payrolls after an initial two-month tryout period; if they do, the wage subsidies can continue for up to an additional four months.

Findings examine placement rates, retention, additional welfare-to-work services received, employment, earnings, and other measures of well-being.