The Welfare and Family Self-Sufficiency Learning Agenda (WFSSLA), jointly developed by OPRE’s Division of Economic Independence and the Office of Family Assistance (OFA), guides the development and execution of the Division and OFA’s activities to learn how TANF and other human services best support the self-sufficiency and economic well-being of children and families with low incomes.
The document is organized into three major sections:
- The introduction summarizes the WFSSLA’s primary purposes and uses, structure, and process for initial and continued development. This section introduces the WFSSLA “workstreams,” or focal domains, of the Division of Economic Independence and OFA’s work to build knowledge about effectively fostering family economic security, stability, and self-sufficiency.
- Workstream briefs are the primary substance of the WFSSLA. For each workstream or sub-workstream, the document includes a brief that synthesizes learning to date in that area based on key Division of Economic Independence projects; discusses select remaining gaps in knowledge; lists learning questions to inform future learning activities; and includes a table listing current Division projects pertaining to the workstream.
- Appendices describe the methods used to develop the workstream briefs and list all references used to develop the introduction and each workstream brief.
The purpose of the WFSSLA is to help ensure that learning activities in the Division of Economic Independence and OFA proceed in a way that is grounded in, and seeks to build on, current and recently completed learning activities; addresses gaps in knowledge; is responsive to changes in programs, policies, and context; and reflects the interests, needs, and priorities of ACF and key internal and external parties. The goal of the agenda is to enable the Division and OFA to work more effectively, efficiently, and collaboratively to advance their missions and support broader ACF goals.
In addition, by publishing the WFSSLA, the Division of Economic Independence and OFA aim to reach two key audiences outside ACF:
- The general public — to promote transparency and accountability regarding the Division’s and OFA’s accumulated knowledge, interests, and current work, and to invite feedback on the document
- Research funders and researchers both inside and outside of government — to invite collaboration on learning activities of mutual interest, to share the Division’s and OFA’s broad interests with those who might bid on solicitations for contracted research, to encourage other researchers to initiate research of mutual interest and share the findings, and to invite feedback on the document
Key Findings and Highlights
The WFSSLA workstream briefs cover the following topics:
- TANF Policy, Funding, and Administration addresses questions related to specific regulations or policies within the TANF cash assistance, the block grant structure, and TANF program administration.
- Capacity Building Within Human Services Programs addresses questions related to building state, local, and tribal human services programs’ (1) programmatic and operational capacity and (2) data, monitoring, and evaluation capacity.
- Strategies for Advancing Positive Participant Outcomes addresses questions related to strategies that seek to foster family economic security, stability, and self-sufficiency.
- Human Capital Development focuses on strategies that seek to build or improve people’s skills, also known as human capital, to help them obtain employment and become economically self-sufficient.
- Employment Attainment and Retention focuses on strategies that seek to help people participating in TANF and other people with low incomes find jobs, maintain employment, and advance in the labor market.
- Social Services Delivery Systems focuses on how implementing, coordinating, and improving social services delivery systems, including TANF and other human services programs, relates to participants’ outcomes.
- Social Context and Environment focuses on how broader social context and environmental factors, including public policy and economic conditions, relate to participants’ outcomes.
- Knowledge Building and Communication addresses questions related to expanding and synthesizing the evidence base, supporting scholars who focus on research related to ACF initiatives and the people who ACF serves, and ensuring knowledge generated within and outside of ACF is communicated effectively to inform policy, practice, and further research.
Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2023). Welfare and Family Self-Sufficiency and Learning Agenda, OPRE Report 2023-241, Washington, DC.