A Year in Head Start Report: Data Tables for FACES 2006

Publication Date: October 15, 2010
Current as of:


This set of tables is designed to accompany a research brief which profiles the 3-and 4-year¬old Head Start children and families who were newly enrolled in the program in fall 2006 and are still attending in spring 2007 (see Aikens et al. 2010). Following this introduction to the study methodology and sample, the tables in the first section provide information on the children’s characteristics, family demographics, and home life, including language background, educational environment of the home, family routines, and socioeconomic risk status in spring 2007. These tables also include information on parent involvement in Head Start and level of satisfaction with their own and their children’s Head Start experiences. The next sections, on cognitive and social-emotional/health outcomes in spring 2007, chronicle children’s developmental progress over the Head Start year. They examine whether these outcomes vary by age, sex, race/ethnicity, or risk status. The following section presents the characteristics of their teachers and classrooms, including measures of observed quality in spring 2007. Subsequent sections provide information on fall-spring change in family environment, child cognitive, social-emotional, and health outcomes. The next section examines the relationships among child, family, and classroom factors and children’s outcomes; the methods used for those analyses appear in advance of the tables in that section. The final section provides tables of standard deviations and standard errors.