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This is the fourth of four modules providing home visiting research findings to inform pay for outcomes (PFO) feasibility studies and project development, including outcome selection, projected cost savings, and outcome payment pricing for PFO financial agreements.

This is the first of four modules providing home visiting research findings to inform pay for outcomes (PFO) feasibility studies and project development, including outcome selection, projected cost savings, and outcome payment pricing for PFO financial agreements.

Pay for outcomes (PFO) is a payment model that promotes innovative financing for social initiatives, connecting funding to outcomes and cost savings. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 allows Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program awardees to implement PFO initiatives. PFO can help awardees expand services, improve outcomes, reach new or underserved populations, and/or engage new stakeholders.

The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program, administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in collaboration with the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), supports voluntary, evidence-based home visiting services for at-risk pregnant women and parents with young children up to kindergarten entry. In February 2018, the MIECHV Program was allocated $400 million per year through fiscal year (FY) 2022 through...

As states and territories make decisions about child care policies, they may find it useful to collect data from child care providers. Survey data can be helpful for answering questions about providers’ characteristics and experiences. Yet surveys can be difficult to design. This brief discusses best practices for developing and testing surveys.

A one-page tip sheet lists suggestions for writing strong survey questions. 

Mathematica is seeking nominations for measures of mutual reinforcement, or related constructs, to help us develop a new and unique measure of two-generation programs. Such a measure could help stakeholders better understand program characteristics that appear to help children and their families, and whether these programs produce the intended positive outcomes at the family level. We are producing this new measure in partnership with the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE)...

Much like the 7.8 million families with young children in urban areas, many of the 1.1 million families with young children in rural areas need and use early care and education (ECE). Families across the United States face challenges accessing child care, and challenges often vary by population density. Although the definition of what constitutes an urban, suburban, and rural area differs across studies, the literature suggests that...

Home visiting aims to support expectant parents and families with young children by offering them “resources and skills to raise children who are physically, socially, and emotionally healthy and ready to learn” (HRSA, 2019). Although the characteristics of the families served, and the service components delivered, vary by evidence-based home visiting model, problematic substance use is commonly one of the many outcome areas addressed by home visitors in the course of their engagement...

Home visiting aims to support expectant parents and families with young children by offering them “resources and skills to raise children who are physically, socially, and emotionally healthy and ready to learn” (HRSA, 2019). Although the characteristics of the families served, and the service components delivered, vary by evidence-based home visiting model, problematic substance use is commonly one of the many outcome areas addressed by home visitors in the course of their engagement...

Stable, high-quality child care has numerous benefits for children and families, including providing support for child development and enabling parents to work. To make child care accessible to low-income families, the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) offers guidance and funds to states, territories, and tribes to...