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This snapshot presents findings from analyses of the 2012 and 2019 NSECE home-based surveys about the use of out-of-school time care for school-aged children.

This research brief series documents the historical contexts in which the different waves of the NSECE were developed and fielded, and shares important research and methodological advances made possible by the NSECE.

This compendium is an effort to understand and document the data collected by ACF that is or could be used for evidence-building purposes. It includes summaries of twelve major ACF administrative data sources and seven surveys. Each entry in the Compendium includes: an overview of the data source; data ownership and funding source; basic content (topical areas covered); major publications, websites, and documentation; available datasets (public and restricted); data quality; statutory and regulatory restrictions on access and use; capacity to link with other data sources; and examples of prior research using linked data... 

The Compendium of Administrative Data Sources for Self-Sufficiency Research is an effort to describe promising administrative data sources for evaluations of economic and social interventions. The Compendium was created as part of the Assessing Options to Evaluate Long-Term Outcomes Using Administrative Data (LTO) project funded by the Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (ACF/OPRE) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services...

Home visiting aims to support expectant parents and families with young children by offering them “resources and skills to raise children who are physically, socially, and emotionally healthy and ready to learn” (HRSA, 2019). Although the characteristics of the families served, and the service components delivered, vary by evidence-based home visiting model, problematic substance use is commonly one of the many outcome areas addressed by home visitors in the course of their engagement...

Home visiting aims to support expectant parents and families with young children by offering them “resources and skills to raise children who are physically, socially, and emotionally healthy and ready to learn” (HRSA, 2019). Although the characteristics of the families served, and the service components delivered, vary by evidence-based home visiting model, problematic substance use is commonly one of the many outcome areas addressed by home visitors in the course of their engagement...

A companion to the literature review entitled Human Services Research Dissemination: What Works...

What are the most effective approaches to disseminating research on human services programs...

The FY 2012 Online Performance Appendix is one of several documents that fulfill the Department of Health and Human...

The mission of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health…