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Explore this sustainability planning workbook designed for Tribal TANF-Child Welfare (TTCW) grantees, including worksheets and guidance considering your program's goals, staffing, partnerships and more.

This brief describes six lessons learned about how Head Start programs participating in the Head Start Connects case studies engaged families in family support services.

The Study of Coaching in Early Care and Education Settings (SCOPE) was designed to examine the variations in coaching in ECE.

Explore this report on the findings from a descriptive and cost study of the Individual Placement and Support Model for Adults with Justice Involvement.

Explore this report on the findings from a descriptive and cost study of the Bridges to Work program.

The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation’s (OPRE’s) PREP Local Evaluation Support and Dissemination (PLESD) team describes how to engage Indigenous populations in evaluation using Indigenous methodolo

This infographic highlights which components of fatherhood programs are most likely to influence the lives of those they touch based upon findings of a meta-analysis conducted as part of a large-scale federal evaluation called Testing Identified Elements for Success in Fatherhood Programs, or Fatherhood TIES.

Discover a report that is part of a series describing findings from the third cohort of the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW III) baseline data collection.

These four program 21-month impact briefs present impact findings for each of the four employment coaching programs participating in an experimental study conducted as part of the Evaluation of Employment Coaching for TANF and Related Populations