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Discover three toolkits to aid Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) grant recipients in implementation evaluations, covering planning, data collection, and analysis for practitioners, evaluators, and researchers.

Discover instruments of youth engagement and facilitator quality that SRAE grant recipients can use to augment their data collection activities.

Find tips for conducting rapid cycle learning from staff and leaders from the grant recipient organizations that participated in SIMR.


Learn how STREAMS sites address participants' HMRE needs by supplementing their core group workshops with case management or one-on-one support services.

The programs in STREAMS all featured a primary HMRE group workshop that aimed to teach participants healthy relationship skills. Trained facilitators led and delivered the workshops to small groups of participants in classroom-like settings.

Learn how HMRE programs can influence people in different ways as highlighted by STREAMS program participants and staff.

INQUIRE Data Toolkit

October 21, 2022

The INQUIRE Toolkit grows out of the growing awareness of the importance of collecting data related to early care and education.  The Quality Initiatives Research and Evaluation Consortium (INQUIRE) Data Work Group was convened to address a request from stakeholders for information on building an effective data infrastructure to support activities including monitoring, continuous program improvement, reporting, validation and evaluation in Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS) and...

The CCEE Licensing Information Hub is a tool to explore national and state/territory-level data on licensing characteristics and functions. 

Discover a toolkit to help child welfare agencies effect change at all levels of the system and engage fathers and relatives in child welfare activities.


May 2, 2023

The information below describes the impact study research questions, impact study designs, and data sources used for the impact studies and implementation studies.