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Discover a summary of common challenges programs face in recruiting and engaging young fathers in Responsible Fatherhood programs.

This report aims to provide insights into how to best serve young fathers in Responsible Fatherhood (RF) programs.

Explore an infographic from the Fathers and Continuous Learning project, which describes opportunities for a father or paternal relative to be engaged during the lifecycle of a child welfare case.

Fostering Trust with Program Participants and Serving Young Fathers: Highlights from the Third FRAMING Research Technical Work Group on Responsible Fatherhood

Suggestions from previous research on how to measure child wellbeing in healthy marriage and relationship education and responsible fatherhood programs.

Measuring Child Well-Being in Evaluations of Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Programs

Explore this interactive evidence and gaps map, or knowledge map, to learn more about the effects of parenting programs for incarcerated and re-entering fathers.

This white paper from the FRAMING Research report presents results from an analysis exploring factors correlated with workshop attendance. Specifically, it examines the length and frequency of workshop sessions. 


This brief explores how the principles of adult learning theory could be applied to HMRF programs.

Many healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood (HMRF) programs serve paired partners simultaneously, such as couples seeking to improve their relationship or coparents raising a child together. This brief describes challenges that evaluators face in correctly analyzing data from paired partners and offers some strategies researchers can consider for addressing them.