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The American-Indian Alaska Native Head Start Family and Children Experiences Survey (AI/AN FACES 2015) was planned over two years, with advice from members of a work group comprised of Region XI Head Start Directors, ACF partners, University-based tribal early childhood researchers, and the study research organization. In the Fall of 2015 and Spring of 2016, data were collected from children, families, and Head Start Programs. Using data from AI/AN FACES 2015, this research brief...

Read OPRE’s Division of Family Strengthening (DFS) Fiscal Year 2022 annual report, which includes details of projects related to strengthening relationships, supporting fatherhood, nurturing children through their families, reducing teen pregnancy, supporting positive youth development, and preventing family violence.

While significant research has come forward to improve our collective understanding of human services programs and their contribution to the economic and social well-being of individuals and families, notable knowledge gaps continue to persist regarding how these programs can best serve the needs and interests of rural communities.

Learn about DFS's expectations for contracts and grantees to develop plans and implement strategies to maximize opportunities for active engagement in DFS projects that are appropriate to the goals of each phase of a project's life cycle.

This brief describes the capacity-building approach of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), which helps Tribal Home Visiting grantees strengthen their data systems through TA from the Tribal Home Visiting Evaluation Institute (TEI). 

The 2021—2022 Study of Family and Staff Experiences in American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start FACES Programs: Spring 2022 Data Tables and Study Design

This data user’s guide provides information on the 2021—2022 Study and its restricted use data file created from data collected via surveys of Head Start parents, teachers, center directors, and program directors, as well as teacher-child reports. 

The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation’s (OPRE’s) PREP Local Evaluation Support and Dissemination (PLESD) team describes how to engage Indigenous populations in evaluation using Indigenous methodolo

In 2022, the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE)— in collaboration with ACF’s Tribal Home Visiting Program and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) —contracted with James Bell Associates (JBA) and the Centers for American Indian Alaska Native Health (CAIANH) at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver. The resulting project, the Center for Indigenous Research Collaboration and Learning for Home Visiting (CIRCLE-HV) , will fund Research-Practice Partnerships in which participants pursue their own research aims; it will also partner closely with home visiting programs serving Indigenous families to pursue a Cross-Site Study. To inform these activities, the project team set out to develop knowledge on fundamental principles of Indigenous methodologies and to identify past examples of braided Indigenous and Western research approaches.

Report findings, generated through qualitative analysis of implementation plans, enhance understanding of the impacts of evidence-based policy on Tribal MIECHV program planning. Tribal MIECHV, Indigenous home visiting, evidence-based policy, implementation planning.