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This report is the second book of tables to be produced from the CCDF Policies Database...

Collecting and using data are core activities in a well-functioning Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). Yet, data used in a QRIS are frequently housed in different systems, using different data management techniques. Ensuring a high level of QRIS data quality involves implementing a number of best practices drawn from established practices used in other fields. The purpose of this brief is to describe the specific strategies QRIS data stakeholders can use to improve upon the...

This report summarizes findings of a literature review and research syntheses in three areas — implementation science, early care and education quality, and costs. The goal of this effort was to create a draft conceptual framework to guide development of measures for the implementation and costs of early care and education in center-based settings that serve children from birth to age 5...

The National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) is a set of four integrated, nationally representative surveys conducted in 2012 of: 1) households with children under age 13, 2) home-based providers of early care and education (ECE), 3) center-based providers of ECE, and 4) the center-based provider workforce. The four surveys are used to understand the supply of and demand for ECE in the United States. This report focuses on prices charged for ECE by center- and home-based...

In the fall of 2014, OPRE organized an Innovative Methods meeting to explore cutting-edge applications of methods and analytic techniques that can inform social program practice and policy. This brief summarizes the meeting and includes..

This report presents brief descriptions of the major projects that our Division of Child and Family Development sponsored in Fiscal Year 2015. The report covers five focus areas: cross-cutting early childhood research, child care, Head Start and Early Head Start, child welfare, and cultural diversity. The report offers a comprehensive overview of the projects that OPRE sponsored in these areas in FY2015.

This set of resources is intended to strengthen the ability of state/territory child care administrators and their research partners to utilize administrative data to address policy-relevant early care and education research questions. The resources are designed for researchers who are new to the analysis of administrative data as well as seasoned users of administrative data who are expanding their research to include new types of administrative data (e.g., expanding to a new state or new agency).

This Snapshot uses data from the 2012 National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) to examine caregiving arrangements for young children with special needs to better understand where these children receive early care and education (ECE) services. Findings in this Snapshot are focused on children under age 6 and ECE providers serving children under age 6.

Updates on behavioral economics and the Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency (BIAS) project.