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This report documents the implementation infrastructure of Personal Responsibility Education Program evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs in four states — California, Maine, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina.

Analysis of the programs implementation infrastructure showed that the four states differed in size; the role grantees took in supporting implementation, resources, and the settings in which the program operated.

Despite that, states had similarities in how they...

Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Research and Evaluation Newsletter - Issue 6

The PII Approach integrates the tenets of implementation science and program evaluation into a coordinated framework to support and evaluate this initiative. This report describes this collaborative approach to implementation and evaluation that is currently underway...

In the fall of 2014, OPRE organized an Innovative Methods meeting to explore cutting-edge applications of methods and analytic techniques that can inform social program practice and policy. This brief summarizes the meeting and includes..

This brief explores in-depth interviews with low-income fathers enrolled in responsible fatherhood programs about their experiences with the child support system. The brief explores three main themes...

This brief explores fathers’ social support networks to learn about the size and composition of their family and friendship ties, the types of support they get through these connections, and the types of organizations from which the fathers receive services.

Findings indicate that fathers...

This report presents brief descriptions of the major projects that our Division of Child and Family Development sponsored in Fiscal Year 2015. The report covers five focus areas: cross-cutting early childhood research, child care, Head Start and Early Head Start, child welfare, and cultural diversity. The report offers a comprehensive overview of the projects that OPRE sponsored in these areas in FY2015.

This tip sheet shares lessons learned by the Building Bridges and Bonds (B3) study thus far so that other programs can consider implementing these approaches to encourage father engagement.

Updates on behavioral economics and the Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency (BIAS) project.