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This report describes in detail how researchers, policymakers, and program administrators can recognize opportunities for experiments and carry them out. Specifically, the report focuses on opportunistic experiments, defined as randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that study the effects of initiatives, program changes, or policy actions that agencies or programs plan or intend to implement — as opposed to studying an intervention or policy action that is developed...

INQUIRE Data Toolkit

October 21, 2022

The INQUIRE Toolkit grows out of the growing awareness of the importance of collecting data related to early care and education.  The Quality Initiatives Research and Evaluation Consortium (INQUIRE) Data Work Group was convened to address a request from stakeholders for information on building an effective data infrastructure to support activities including monitoring, continuous program improvement, reporting, validation and evaluation in Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS) and...

The goal of the QRS Assessment is to provide information, analysis, and resources about QRISs for states and other…

This white paper from the FRAMING Research report presents results from an analysis exploring factors correlated with workshop attendance. Specifically, it examines the length and frequency of workshop sessions. 


This brief summarizes key cost findings from the evaluation of Wise Guys in Iowa. It presents information on the resources required to deliver the program for one academic year and the average cost per student. The brief also summarizes how the average cost per student compares to other federally funded teen pregnancy prevention programs.

This brief summarizes key cost findings from the evaluation of Steps to Success in Texas. It presents information on the resources required to deliver the program and the average cost per home visit and the average cost per participant. The brief also summarizes how the average cost per participant compares to other home visiting programs.

This brief summarizes three recently completed federal evaluations that address the following research question: How does offering employment and other supportive services to disadvantaged noncustodial parents affect their employment and earnings, parenting, and child support payments?

This set of resources is intended to strengthen the ability of state/territory child care administrators and their research partners to utilize administrative data to address policy-relevant early care and education research questions. The resources are designed for researchers who are new to the analysis of administrative data as well as seasoned users of administrative data who are expanding their research to include new types of administrative data (e.g., expanding to a new state or new agency).

Updates on behavioral economics and the Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency (BIAS) project.

Updates on behavioral economics and the Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency (BIAS) project.