Welfare Rules Databook: State TANF Policies as of July 2015

ESER Reporting Guide for Study Authors

Using Administrative Data in Social Policy Research
Explore OPRE's portfolio of work by research and data topic. Learn more about our research, evaluation, and data projects, and check out our resources.
Explore OPRE sponsored research and evaluation clearinghouses which catalog, review, and disseminate evidence related to ACF programs.
Explore ACF's evaluation policy, which confirms our commitment to conducting evaluations and to using evidence from evaluations to inform policy and practice.
The ACF Research and Evaluation Agenda covers research and evaluation activities and plans in nine ACF program areas.
Explore OPRE funded present and past research and evaluation centers focused on a variety of topics related to children and families.
Top Ten Products Released in 2024
As we enter 2025, we invite you to peruse our most popular products released in 2024. We hope you’ll take a moment to look back through these highly accessed resources from the past year and share them with colleagues.