Region 6 fulfills ACF’s mission of improving the health and well-being of families, children, individuals, and community service providers by providing federal leadership, partnership, and resources for the compassionate and effective delivery of human services. Region 6 is comprised of 9 offices, including the Immediate Office of the Regional Administrator.
Immediate Office of the Regional Administrator
The Immediate Office of the Regional Administrator (IORA) operates under the direction of the Office of Regional Operations (ORO), which guides the regional implementation of ACF’s programs and high priority, cross cutting initiatives to states, territories, tribes and grantees.
The IORA is headed by the Regional Administrator who provides regional leadership, communication and coordination for ACF staff in the regional offices.
- Represents the Assistant Secretary in the regions, including with state human service commissioners and other national, regional and local leadership
- Provides leadership and implementation for high priority, cross cutting, results-based strategic initiatives and public-private partnerships to support ACF priorities and state and local reform efforts
- Convenes government and community leaders to facilitate the development and modification of programs and activities that support ACF initiatives and priorities related to family strengthening and self-sufficiency goals and outcomes
- Oversees regional emergency response and recovery through state relations and supervision of the Regional Emergency Management Specialists
- Works to strengthen partnerships with other HHS operating divisions, federal agencies, states, tribes, territories, cities and communities on which ACF Programs depend
Contact: LaKesha Pope Jackson, Regional Administrator
Phone: 214-767-9648
ACF Regional Programs
ACF Regional Programs
The program offices have specialized missions supporting initiatives that empower people and improve access to services. The program offices fund awards to state, territory, and local governments, non-profit groups, faith and community-based organizations, American Indian tribes, and Native American and indigenous communities. They also provide technical assistance, guidance, and overall supervision to grantees responsible for direct delivery of services.
Region 6 supports:
- 68 federally recognized tribes
- 189 Head Start recipients serving 109,934 children
- 163 Early Head Start recipients serving 31,308 infants, toddlers, and pregnant women
- 77 Runaway and Homeless Youth awards
Children's Bureau Regional Program
The Children’s Bureau (CB) focuses on improving the lives of children and families through programs that reduce child abuse and neglect, increase the number of adoptions, and strengthen foster care.
The regional program office:
- Monitors child welfare programs and provide technical assistance to states and tribes.
- Provides programmatic oversight and technical assistance to the Court Improvement Project and Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention grantees
- Collaborates with ACF CB central office, regional programs, and other parties on significant program and policy matters
The CB regional program office is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the CB Director.
Regional Contact: Janis Brown, Regional Program Manager
Phone: 214-767- 8466
Family & Youth Services Bureau Regional Program
The Family & Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) supports the organizations and communities that work every day to put an end to youth homelessness, adolescent pregnancy and domestic violence.
The regional program office administers grants and provide program and technical support in the three program areas to states, Tribal and community organizations.
The FYSB regional program is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Commissioner within the Office of Administration on Children, Youth and Families.
Regional Contact: Keith Wallace, Regional Program Manager
Phone: 214-767-8870
Office of Child Care Regional Program
The Office of Child Care (OCC) supports low-income working families through child care financial assistance and promotes children's learning by improving the quality of early care and education and afterschool programs.
The regional program office:
- Provides centralized program and technical administration of CCB block and discretionary programs
- Collaborates with ACF central office, regional programs, states and other grantees on all significant policy matters
The OCC regional program is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Director of OCC.
Regional Contact: Gwendolyn Jones, Regional Program Manager
Phone: 214-767-3849
Office of Child Support Services Regional Program
The Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) partners with federal, state, tribal and local governments and others to promote parental responsibility so that children receive support from both parents even when they live in separate households.
The regional program office:
- Provides program and technical administration of OCSS entitlement and discretionary programs
- Collaborates with ACF central office, states, tribes and other grantees on all significant program and policy matters
The OCSS regional program office is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the OCSS Deputy Director/Commissioner.
Regional Contact: Dana Huckabee, Regional Program Manager
Phone: 214-767-6239
Office of Family Assistance Regional Program
The Office of Family Assistance (OFA) administers several key federal grant programs, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Tribal programs, Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood, and Health Profession Opportunity Grants.
The OFA regional program is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Director of Regional and Tribal TANF Management.
Regional Contact: Kisha Russell, Regional Program Manager
Phone: 303-844-1483
Office of Grants Management
ACF’s national Office of Grants Management (OGM) went through a “modernization” and is no longer considered regionally-based; rather OGM has shifted to a Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System basis. As a result, OGM is now divided into 7 distinct Divisions:
- Health Promotion Grants
- School Readiness Grants
- Community Strengthening Grants
- Family Protection and Resilience Grants
- Economic Independence Grants
- Innovation and Improvement Grants
- Risk Mitigation and Compliance
The OGM directly administers, manages, provides financial stewardship, and technical guidance to more than 60 ACF programs totaling over $50 billion annually. Oversight is for discretionary and mandatory grants, and cooperative agreements. The OGM is also responsible for ensuring audit resolution.
The national Director for the Division of Family Protection and Resilience Grants, Janice Davis Caldwell, is co-located with us in the Region 6 Office.
Office of Head Start Regional Program
The Office of Head Start (OHS) manages grant funding and oversees local agencies providing Head Start services. Head Start promotes school readiness of children under five from low-income families through education, health, social, and other services.
The regional program office:
- Oversees the day-to-day management of Head Start grantees and the provision of technical assistance
- Provides centralized program and technical administration of OHS discretionary programs
- Collaborates with OHS state collaboration projects on all significant policy matters
The OHS regional program is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the OHS Program Operations Division.
Regional Contact: Kenneth Gilbert, Regional Program Manager
Phone: 214-767-8844
Office of Refugee Resettlement Regional Program
The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) promotes the health, well-being, and stability of refugees, unaccompanied children, and other eligible individuals and families, through culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and strengths-based services. ORR has two key bureaus. The Unaccompanied Children Bureau serves unaccompanied children, and the Refugee Program Bureau supports all populations eligible for resettlement services.
Both bureaus have regional offices and representatives. They provide technical assistance and training, conduct outreach to ensure access to services, and collaborate with the head office, states, and other stakeholders on significant programmatic and policy matters.
Regional contacts:
- Refugee Program Bureau:
- Unaccompanied Children Bureau: