
Current as of:

ORR proposes and implements national policy for the refugee resettlement program. We work continually to navigate the growing and challenging mandates of programs that serve many diverse communities. We work with our partners to identify emerging issues, draft regulations, policies and guidance, and respond to legislative, policy, and Congressional inquiries.

You can find policy resources by clicking on the link types on the right or by searching with these keywords:

View ORR’s Federal Guidance and Legislative Authority.

Policy Guides

The Unaccompanied Children Bureau Policy Guide describes policies for the placement, timely release and care of unaccompanied children in ORR custody.

The Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) Program Policy Guide describes policies for refugees and other eligible youth in specialized foster care.

Policy Letters (PL)

Letters that inform states, grantees and other stakeholders of new policy, changes to existing policy or clarifications and interpretations of prior policy affecting ORR programs. 

Dear Colleague Letters (DCL)

Notifications to states, voluntary agencies, and interested parties about new funding opportunities, state reporting, messages from the ORR Director, and announcements about ORR events.

Unaccompanied Children Bureau Field Guidance

Field Guidance addresses emergency or short term policy goals and is read either to modify or supplement ORR's generally applicable policies and procedures.

Annual ORR Reports to Congress

Annual ORR Reports to Congress

State Letters and Prior Guidance

Includes ORR State Letters (published prior to 2016) and prior guidance that remain relevant and in effect.

Information Memorandums

Basic information about ORR program activities, initiatives, and partnerships with other agencies.

Special Report (PDF — 531.48 KB)

Internal audit report focused on policy, procedures, and processes.