Documentation Requirements for the Refugee Resettlement Program

Policy Letter 16-01

Current as of:

October 1, 2015

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) provides benefits and services to assist the resettlement and local integration of specific populations. These benefits and services, collectively referred to as the “Refugee Resettlement Program,” are available to eligible persons from the following groups:

  • Refugees
  • Asylees
  • Cuban and Haitian entrants
  • [Revised 5/20/2024: changed from Special Immigrant Visa Holders] Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants
  • Amerasians
  • Victims of human trafficking
  • [Added 11/29/22] Afghan Humanitarian Parolees
  • [Added 11/29/22] Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees

In addition to unaccompanied minors in the above categories, the following minors are eligible for the ORR Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) Program:

  • *Unaccompanied Minors with Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)
  • Unaccompanied Minors who hold U status

When applying for benefits and services, eligible individuals from the above groups may present a variety of documents to show their eligibility. This Policy Letter announces a new Documentation Guide that outlines: (1) the statuses and documents that confer eligibility for Refugee Resettlement Program benefits; (2) the documentation that is needed to show an individual is eligible; and (3) a suggested process for making eligibility determinations.

View the Documentation Guide
View the FAQ
