Who We Serve - Amerasians
Individuals fathered by a U.S. citizen and born in Vietnam after January 1, 1962, and before January 1, 1976, are known as Amerasians and may be admitted to the U.S. as immigrants. Spouses, children, and parents or guardians may accompany the Amerasian.
Amerasians are admitted to the U.S. as immigrants pursuant to section 584 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1988, section 101(e) of Public Law 100-202 (Act of 12/22/87), and amended by the 9th proviso under Migration and Refugee Assistance in Title II of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Acts, 1989 (Pub. L. No. 100-461 as amended). Amerasians are eligible to receive ORR assistance and services.
- PDF ORR Fact Sheet - Amerasians (76.70 KB)