The Refugee Career Pathways (RCP) program, established in 2018, helps refugees and other ORR-eligible populations achieve self-sufficiency through education and job training they need to secure employment or continue their professional careers in the United States. RCP also provides refugees with coaching and resources to create personalized career development plans and learn about career opportunities in their new communities. ORR-funded RCP grant recipients work with each participant to help them find solutions for making progress toward their career goals.
While many refugees have previous professional experience, they often lack the credentials and knowledge specific to the job market in the United States. As a result, even highly skilled refugees often have to accept low-skilled work with little opportunity for advancement or skill development, which limits their ability to reach their full potential and achieve economic self-sufficiency.
The RCP program serves individuals who have been in the United States for less than five years and meet these criteria:
- Non-U.S. citizens
- Authorized to work in the U.S.
- Able and willing to begin or continue employment in a professional or skilled career field during the program
Through the RCP program, participants can receive some of these services:
- A personalized career development plan
- Career counseling
- Evaluation of foreign degrees and credentials
- Educational opportunities, apprenticeships, and on-the-job training
- Vocational English language training
In some cases, participants of the RCP program may also receive direct financial assistance to cover some of their career plan needs:
- Child care while participating in career development activities
- Licensing and exam fees
- Transportation to and from career development activities
- Uniforms and safety gear
View RCP program guidelines (PDF).
RCP is a competitive grant program, with new grants awarded for a three-year project period. ORR supports RCP implemented by a variety of public and private non-profit organizations. RCP participants may enroll in other ORR-supported or non-ORR-supported programs, as long as those programs provide different services from RCP. Through Congressional funding, some recipients specifically focus on recent Afghan arrivals, while others serve all ORR-eligible populations.
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