Look Beneath the Surface Blog

Icons depicting multiple types of media (e.g., videos, images, documents) surrounding a photo of a computer showing a webpage with the word "blog." The phrase "Look Beneath the Surface Blog: Activating connections to strengthen the public health response to human trafficking" is written to the left of the images.

When Forced Marriage and Human Trafficking Intersect

Forced marriage occurs when one or both parties do not or cannot give consent to be married and in which there is force, fraud, or coercion. It transcends age, gender, background, and geography, affecting people worldwide .

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Fair Credit Reporting Act Used to Counter Financial Exploitation

Traffickers often exploit individuals through financial or economic coercion or abuse. Many individuals who experience trafficking are not allowed to decide when or how to earn money, keep their earnings, or control their personal finances. 

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Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

In coordination with other divisions, ACF leads the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) development of anti-trafficking resources, programs, and policies in the United States. 

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Strengthening Language Access for Survivors of Human Trafficking

In response to the Language Access Plan that HHS published last year, we wanted to have a better understanding of language access needs among the survivors of human trafficking served through grant programs funded by OTIP. 

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A One Health Approach to Preventing Human Trafficking: The Interconnected Health of Humans, Animals, and the Environment

In public health circles, One Health is a collaborative approach that acknowledges the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health... A One Health approach can also have a significant role in preventing violence and reducing injury.  

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The Power of Connections

Last week, I joined Secretary Becerra at the annual meeting of the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, demonstrating the whole-of-government commitment to preventing the heinous crime of human trafficking.

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Strategies for Survivor Economic Empowerment

Economic empowerment programming demystifies financial wellbeing by providing education, tools, and resources for people to attain financial literacy, stability, and professional growth.  

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The Search for Missing Loved Ones Exploited for Profit

The stories began to emerge, first by the dozens and then by the hundreds. There were concerns for potentially thousands of missing Indigenous people coercively recruited in Arizona, New Mexico, and other parts of Indian Country and displaced from their communities.

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Advancing Social Connection to Promote Health, Prevent Human Trafficking

If you knew you had the power to reduce someone’s risk for early death, heart disease, stroke, and dementia, would you use it? What if that same power also contributed to the reduction in murders, motor vehicle thefts, and human trafficking?

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To Prevent Trafficking, Build Healthy Relationships with Young People

To interrupt or prevent the trafficking of young people in foster care takes building relationships of trust with caring adults, say professionals in the child welfare field.

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