National Human Trafficking Prevention Month: Resources for Healthcare and Behavioral Healthcare Providers

January 17, 2023

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month , an opportunity to raise awareness on how we can all prevent and respond to human trafficking. Our theme for Human Trafficking Prevention Month 2023 is Partner to Prevent, highlighting the importance of partnerships and collaboration in strengthening anti-trafficking efforts. When we #Partner2Prevent, we can stop human trafficking before it happens and provide access to critical services for survivors. 

This week, we are spotlighting healthcare and behavioral healthcare providers and their critical responsibility to provide appropriate medical and mental healthcare to patients who have experienced human trafficking and prevent trafficking among those at risk. Additionally, healthcare administrators, procurement professionals, suppliers, and other decision-makers in the healthcare and public health sector may be positioned to address forced labor concerns in supply chains through product procurement and labor contracting practices. Below are tailored resources that, coupled with other foundational resources , healthcare and behavioral healthcare providers can use to strengthen their support for those in their care at risk for, currently experiencing, or who have experienced human trafficking.  

Providing Services to People Who Have Experienced Human Trafficking 

Addressing the Intersection of Human Trafficking and Substance Use Disorders  

Preventing Forced Labor in Health and Public Health Supply Chains 

Learn more about National Human Trafficking Prevention Month and view additional resources.