San Diego County Office of Education Liaison Model Aims for Prevention Education Sustainability

August 14, 2022
Children looking at a teacher in a classroom.

San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) provides human trafficking prevention education to educators, school staff, and students for the 42 school districts, 129 charter schools, and 5 community college districts in San Diego County. Through OTIP’s Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Program, SDCOE partners with Global Communities and 3Strands Global Foundation (3SGF) to implement Project Safe From Exploitation (SaFE) in 18 schools across the county. 3SGF’s PROTECT Curricula provides school communities with adaptable K-12 curricula, training for school personnel/adults, and resources to develop school reporting protocols. 

SDCOE builds the capacity of schools to prevent human trafficking, focusing on sustainability and institutionalizing a school-wide response protocol. The Project SaFE model designates an existing staff member to become the school’s human trafficking subject matter expert and liaison. This staff member can be a school social worker, school counselor, or other certificated student support personnel who has experience administering prevention programs. Each of the 18 schools has a Project SaFE liaison (PSL) who participates in the Project SaFE Learning Institute. Through the Learning Institute, PSLs receive ongoing specialized training, technical assistance, and coaching. By the end of the grant period, these 18 PSLs will have the capacity to continue training staff and students in human trafficking prevention education, implement the school response protocol, and will have built partnerships within the anti-trafficking network to support their school communities. 

Learn more about the SDCOE Project SaFE model.