Trafficking Prevention and Protection Resources


Screening and Reporting

  • Shepherd: Provides a secure, streamlined way for individuals to request assistance for foreign national adults and children who have experienced human trafficking and check the status of their request.
  • Shepherd Overview and FAQ: Provides instructions on how to access Shepherd and answers common questions.
  • Shepherd User Guide for Case Requesters: (PDF) Explains how to use Shepherd to submit trafficking concerns on behalf of a child. 
  • Request for Assistance (RFA) Instructions: (PDF) Provides detailed instructions for submitting an RFA in Shepherd.
  • Request for Assistance (RFA) Form: (PDF) Prior to December 2019, RFAs were submitted by email as PDF documents. Now, RFAs are submitted electronically through Shepherd. If you are unable to use Shepherd, a PDF version of the RFA is available at the above link. Submit this PDF as a password-protected document to
  • Case Staffings: To discuss a potential case of trafficking on behalf of a child, contact the OTIP Child Protection Team at by phone at 202-205-4582 or by email at

Prevention, Public Awareness, and Benefits