State Interstate Match Contact

State Interstate Match Contact

The State Interstate Match Contact is for states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, to post contact information for interstate communication to assist in resolving matches. This is to augment the contact information already provided within each interstate match, and to reduce contact to PARIS State Administrative Representatives.   

States looking to update their interstate match contact information should email requests to All requests for updates should either come from or cc the applicable State Administrative Representative(s).

State Data


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[ X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#3 Email, #2 Phone, #1 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 334-242-5342
iii. FAX: 334-353-4514

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: April 12, 2021

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[ X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[ X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 2 Email, # 1 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[ X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[ X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[ X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[ X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 2 Email, # 1 Phone, #3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 907-444-9122
iii. FAX: 907-269-3099

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 23, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[ X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[ X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[ X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 2 Email, # 1 Phone, #3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 907-444-9122
iii. FAX: 907-269-3099

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 23, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, #3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: 
ii. Phone: 602 771-2047
iii. FAX: N/A

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: January 17, 2025

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: January 17, 2025


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[ X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  None

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #   Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:

ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX:  (916) 440-5233

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)

# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[ X ]  Use contact data in match
[ ] Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: October 11, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ] TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ] SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ] SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ] MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#1   Email, #   Phone, #  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: October 11, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1  Email, #   Phone, # 2  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:

ii. Phone: 


iii. FAX: 860-424-5333

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 19, 2021

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 19, 2021


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply):
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:

ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: "Out-of-State Inquiry" in subject line, include your contact information. Include the names and date of birth for household members and their last 4 digits of SSN. List current address for household and date it was reported to your state. Expect an email response within 5 business days.

Last Updated: August 30, 2024

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:




Last Updated: August 30, 2024



Back to top

District of Columbia

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: (202) 856-2265
iii. FAX: 202-645-4197

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:
Contact for PARIS Inquiries:

Last Updated: August 3, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 3, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
X ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 866-762-2237
iii. FAX: 866-886-4342

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: More information is available at

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 3 Email, # 2 Phone, # 1 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 877-423-4746
iii. FAX: 404-463-0093

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 23, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 23, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: 
ii. Phone: (808) 692-8076
iii. FAX: (808) 692-8173

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

To determine if individual is still on Hawaii Medicaid, use the contact information on the PARIS file. If no response contact Kimberly Lutao at or (808) 587-7291

Last Updated: August 16, 2024

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: (808) 586-5720 SNAP / (808) 586-5732 TANF
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

For SNAP fraud investigations contact W. Nicola at or (808) 587-7291

Last Updated: August 16, 2024


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: February 3, 2020

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
ii. Phone: 217-524-4174
iii. FAX: 217-524-5741

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: May 20 2019

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone:
iii. FAX:

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 3, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 3, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, # 1 Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 1-877-855-0021
iii. FAX: 515-564-4095

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: 1-877-855-0021
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2  Phone, # 3  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: _(785) 296-3874 __
iii. FAX:   _(785) 296-6960___

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  For PARIS inquiries sent via Fax, please specify "ATTN: PARIS TEAM" on the cover sheet.

Out of State inquiries not related to a PARIS match should be sent to:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: _(785) 338-5268___

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:



Last Updated: February 16, 2021


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: 
ii. Phone: (502) 564-3440
iii. FAX: (502) 564- 4021

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: (502) 564-3440
iii. FAX: (502) 564-4021

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[ X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states (Users are directed to contact Louisiana Department of Health)

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
ii. Phone: (225) 342-2342
iii. FAX:  (225) 342-9833

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: When users contact DCFS for Medicaid eligibility, they are instructed to call LDH directly. 

Last Updated: July 29, 2024

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[ X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states (Users are directed to contact Louisiana Department of Health)

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
ii. Phone: (225) 342-2342
 iii. FAX: ((225) 342-9833

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: When users contact DCFS for Medicaid eligibility, they are instructed to call LDH directly.

Last Updated: July 29, 2024


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: 207-287-3455

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: November 19, 2019

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 
iii. FAX: 

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: If you do not receive a response from the contact listed in the data match within 5 business days, contact Chima Nathan (410) 767-7669  or  Please provide how you want information received back, either email or fax. 

Last Updated: April 26, 2024


Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: April 26, 2024


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 2 Email, # 1 Phone, #3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact: 
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 1-877-703-7186
iii. FAX: 617-889-7847

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 16, 2024

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 2 Email, # 1 Phone, #3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:  
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 1-877-703-7186
iii. FAX: 617-889-7847

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 16, 2024


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 517-335-3900
iii. FAX: 517-432-6079

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: June 1, 2022

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#  1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. FAX: 651-431-7529
iii. Phone:  651-431-3010

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  When contacting Minnesota, please put "PARIS Inquiry" in the subject line and provide the clients name, DOB and SSN.

Last Updated: March 14, 2018

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: (Mississippi Out of State Inquiry & PARIS Match Verification Request Form)
ii. Phone: 1-800-948-3050
iii. FAX: 601-359-4435

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 601-359-6530
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  First attempt contact to phone number or fax number in file

Last Updated: August 3, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 3, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 855-373-4636
iii. FAX:

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: 
ii. Phone: 573-751-3425
iii.FAX: 573-751-6564

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 3, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 3, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ] MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 406-444-4987
iii. FAX: 406-444-0248

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: 
ii. Phone: 
iii. FAX: 

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
X ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: 
ii. Phone:  800-383-4278
iii. FAX:  402-471-9286

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#1 Email, #2 Phone, #3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. FAX: 775-684-0680 (attn: OOS Inquiry)
iii. PHONE: None

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  Faxed requests for coverage verification should be submitted on letterhead to include the following:

Customer/Head of Household Name:

Date of Birth:

Last four of SSN:


Application Date: 

Interview Date: 

Benefits Applying for:  

Last Updated: January 17, 2025

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: 
ii. Phone: 702-486-1875 
iii. FAX: 702-486-8809

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: FRAUD Inquiries only

Phone: 702-486-1875 (main line)
FAX: 702-486-8809

Last Updated: January 17, 2025


Back to top

New Hampshire

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #   Phone, #  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:

ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: May 24, 2018

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top

New Jersey

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  Request must be from official government email address. No faxed request accepted. Include full name, DOB and the last 4 of SSN in your request.

Last Updated: July 8, 2022

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: (609) 588-2283
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  Request must be from official government email address. No faxed request accepted. Include full name, DOB and the last 4 of SSN in your request.

Last Updated: June 16, 2023


Back to top

New Mexico

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ] WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 505-709-5804 and 505-709-5606
iii. FAX: 505-827-8165

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email:  (All benefits)
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: PARIS email inquiries must include the requestor’s signature lines with titles, and NM case numbers or SSN's.

Last Updated: June 26, 2024

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[ X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[ X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email:  (Specific to Medicaid only) 
ii. Phone: (505) 827-3100
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: Please provide the client SSN, and DOB along with their name when inquiring about MA information.

Last Updated: June 26, 2024


Back to top

New York

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, # 1 Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: (See Spreadsheet Linked Below)
ii. Phone:(See Spreadsheet Linked Below)
iii. FAX: (See Spreadsheet Linked Below)

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
XNYS Contact List 2024 (XLS) (Note: NY counties can be looked up by ZIP code at )

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 8, 2024

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 8, 2024


Back to top

North Carolina

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 2 Email, # 1 Phone, #3  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  Contact is county switchboard — ask to speak to interstate match worker.

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top

North Dakota

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ] TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 1-866-614-60055 (Call Center)
iii. FAX: 

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 29, 2024

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#1 Phone, #2 Fax, #1 Email

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Phone: 1-866-614-6005 or 1-701-328-1000
ii. Fax: 701-328-1006
iii. Email:

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: January 26, 2024


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
ii. Phone: 800-784-5887
iii. FAX: 405-522-6058

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  Oklahoma Health Care Authority is secondary contact for on-line enrollment medical

Last Updated: April 2, 2024

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 1-800-987-7767
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  Cover PARIS matches for Oklahoma Medicaid Online enrollment only

Last Updated: April 2, 2024


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #   Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX:  503-378-3207

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 2 Email, # 1 Phone, #3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)

A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in matc
[ X ] PA Contact List (DOCX)  

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  Match first two digits of record # with county on list.

Last Updated: August 7, 2024

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)

A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone:
iii. FAX:

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
PA Contact List (DOCX) 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 7, 2024


Back to top

Rhode Island

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone:  401-462-6870
iii. FAX:  401-462-2975

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top

South Carolina

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email (encrypted), #2 Phone, #3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
ii. Phone:  803-898-3020
iii. FAX:  803-255-8203

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1  Email (encrpyted), # 2  Phone, # 3  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 803-898-1764 option 6
iii. FAX:  803-898-1214 attention Nadine Livingston

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  Fraud and PARIS matches handled by Keshawn Jacobs at

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top

South Dakota

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
X ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 605-773-4678
iii. FAX: 605-773-7183

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 23, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 23, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[ X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1  Email, # 2 FAX, # 2 Phone

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: _____
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[ X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email:  ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:  Place Paris Match in subject line. Include the begin date of eligibility and current mailing address.

Last Updated: August 18, 2020

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[ X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[ X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
 # 1   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: 615-687-5535

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: This contact is for verification ONLY if a termination is needed fax that request to 615-532-5236.

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, # 1 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: 1-877-447-2839

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: 1-877-447-2839

Special Instructions:  Fax must be on your agency letterhead. Please submit one inquiry per page.

Last Updated: March 14, 2018

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
X ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, # 1 Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: 1-866-435-7414
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)

[   ]  MA (Medical Assistance)

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
TANF and SNAP: # 2 Email, # 1 FAX

Medical Assistance: #1 Email, #2 FAX, #3 Phone

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:

i. Email:
ii. Phone:
iii. FAX: (802) 241-0960

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: December 11, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1  Email, # 3  Phone, # 2  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: (802) 241-9210
iii. FAX: (802) 871-3090

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: December 11, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 3 Email, # 1 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
X ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX:(804) 452-5472

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 3, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 3, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#  1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 1-855-927-2747 or 1-855-WAPARIS 
iii. FAX: 888-212-2319

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: PARIS inquiries need to include a current mailing address and application date.

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[ X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #2   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 1-800-562-3022
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: April 26, 2024


Back to top

West Virginia

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
X ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
X ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact: Entire State
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 304-465-9613 
iii. FAX: 304-465-7288
A. Secondary Point of Contact: Entire State
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 304-716-3895
iii. FAX: 304-487-3589

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 23, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 23, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #  Phone, #  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 
iii. FAX:

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 24, 2021

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[ X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[ X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 3 Phone, # 2 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: (TANF) and (CC)
ii. Phone:
iii. FAX:

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: September 27, 2023


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #  Phone, #  FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 307-777-3648
iii. FAX: 307-777-6964

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Phone: 307-777-5846
iii. FAX: 307-777-6276

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: July 19, 2023


Back to top

Puerto Rico

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  NAP (Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
X ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:
ii. Website: 
 iii. FAX: 787-763-5250

 B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: August 3, 2023

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[ X ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
X ]  NAP (Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
X ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
X ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
# 1 Email, # 2 Phone, # 3 FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email:; OR 
ii. Phone: 787-289-7600 EXT 2408
iii. FAX: 787-289-7621 OR 787-289-7614 

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions: All inquiries should be sent with Complete SS#.

Last Updated: August 3, 2023


Back to top

Virgin Islands

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top

American Samoa

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top


Primary Contact ResourceSecondary Contact Resource
Note: The State Interstate Match Contact web page can list up to two separate contact groups per state, e.g., one for TANF/FS and secondary for MA. Submit a separate page for each contact. 

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018

Program Support via Contact Point (check all that apply): 
[  ]  TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
[  ]  SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps)
[  ]  GA (General Assistance)
[  ]  SSI (Supplemental  Security Income)
[  ]  CC (Child Care)
[  ]  WC (Workers’ Compensation)
[  ]  MA (Medical Assistance), Medicaid/Medical in most states

Preferred Contact Method: (Rank contact methods from #1 to #3; #1 being preferred.)
#   Email, #   Phone, #   FAX

Contact Format used by State: (Answer for either A or B, but not both.)
A. Single Point of Contact:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii. FAX: ______

B. Multiple contact points: 
[  ]  Use contact data in match
[  ]  Link to PDF as provided by the state; submit revised list to ACF 

C. Contact for benefit redemption history/medical claims history if different from above:
i. Email: ______
ii. Phone: ______
iii.FAX: ______

Special Instructions:

Last Updated: March 14, 2018


Back to top