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The next match date for the PARIS match will be Monday, February 20, 2025. 

All states who have completed their documentation with the PARIS office will be notified further by ACF PARIS on which day to start submission of the file. 

States who have not submitted their documentation to ACF PARIS will not be able to participate in the upcoming match.  There are states currently processing to get notification that they are ready to transmit their match file. 

Please submit your file to Department of Treasury OPI/DNP. Do not submit your file to DMDC.  If your state needs to participation confirmation or have general questions regarding the match.   Please contact the PARIS office at PARIS@ACF.HHS.GOV.


 The dates for the PARIS 2025 quarterly submission have been established and are as follows:

  • February 20, 2025
  • May 16, 2025
  • August 22, 2025
  • November 20, 2025


This is a reminder that the next PARIS match is scheduled for Monday, December 2, 2024. When transmitting your PARIS quarterly data to the OPI DNP (Treasury), the following inbound file format is required.

File: PARIS.(agency's abv).P202302; sent 05/12/2023: File contains 11541366 records. POC:  Dorothy Example

Also indicate the record count and method used to transmit the file to the OPI DNP, such as Connect Direct, sftp, etc. Make sure there are no carriage controls at the end of each line in the submitted file. Please ensure the files do not contain additional characters. Be prepared to receive the file within 15 days of submission. 

The PARIS Board is working to develop a processing schedule that will outline the submittal date range and proposed return file estimated dates. We hope to share further details through transmittal soon. 

Submit/drop your file through your registered account to OPI DNP and send notification by email to Jean Stevens at

PARIS SPAAs Community,

The Department of Treasury Do Not Pay (DNP) Program has acknowledged a processing issue in the interstate match. At this point, we ask that you discontinue the processing of the previously received file from October 21, 2024. 

We would like to notify our state partners that DNP will be correcting and re-transmitting the October interstate match files to your DNP folder on Friday, October 25, 2024. 

We appreciate PARIS SPAAs who reported issues with their files and want to assure everyone that we are working to timely address these concerns. Thank you for your patience.

Please direct general PARIS questions to

Questions regarding the match file and the DNP server should be directed to Kelsey Cheng via email to with cc: to the

The next PARIS match is scheduled for Monday, December 2, 2024. 

PARIS Member States

We're reaching out to inform you that the upcoming PARIS match date, currently September 30th, is being pushed back one week to Monday, October 7th. States have shared the need for additional time to participate in the upcoming match. This is being done allow states to sign the necessary forms and provide states additional time to submit their PARIS file for the upcoming match. States have also requested time to coordinate logistics within their state to obtain a final agreement. We ask that states please submit their PARIS file to the Bureau of Fiscal Service DNP by COB October 7th.

Please do not contact DMDC regarding the PARIS match. 

If you have any questions about this change, please contact the PARIS administrator at PARIS@ACF.HHS.GOV.

Paris Member States

The PARIS Agreement (MOA) between the Department of Treasury Bureau of Fiscal Service, State Public Assistance Agencies (SPAAs), and the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), is ready for signature.

We are reaching out to SPAA’s who have completed their SFTP connection to share that you can transmit your September 2024 PARIS file via your states SPAA SFTP connection. 

Please submit only the active beneficiaries as a part of your September 2024 file so we have the most up-to-date information.

As a reminder, refer to this link of instructions to follow to perform your file upload. (PDF)

Additionally, the PARIS Technical Support mailbox ( and ( to let us know it was transmitted including state, and the row count total.

Paris Member States

The PARIS Agreement (MOA) between the Department of Treasury Bureau of Fiscal Service, State Public Assistance Agencies (SPAAs), and the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), is ready for signature. 

In order for SPAAs to voluntarily participate in the matches SPAAs must establish an SFTP connection with Department of Treasury’s BFS OPI connection form. For the form please contact the PARIS office. Each SPAA must establish an SFTP connection with OPI to send data to and receive matched results.  

If you have established connection to OPI Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) and submitted an agreement confirmed by ACF PARIS, State Public Assistance Agencies (SPAAs) can submit an active match file. Please use the following link and confirm the steps within. 

1.      The SPAA must have a valid signed PARIS OPI 2024 -2025 agreement (PDF) on file with ACF/PARIS.

2.      An authorized representative of the SPAA must fill and sign the SPAA portion of the renewal agreement.

              Please use (Insert Link by Name Here) (PDF).    

3.        Send the signed agreement, to PARIS at PARIS@ACF.HHS.GOV.

4.        Submit your active file to OPI DNP. Use the following instructions for submission.

*Notice*  ACF provides OPI a list of the SPAAs with current signed MOUs prior to the match. State without an active agreement will be excluded from match. For this PARIS match please only include your currently active file. OPI has informed us this match will be returned within 30 days. *Notice*

This matching program provides SPAAs with interstate matching to confirm duplication of benefits state wide and in determining public assistance clients’ eligibility for benefits under the Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, and general assistance programs. 

States seeking to learn how to better leverage the ’PARIS Match’ may reach out to the PARIS Board of Directors



The next match date for the PARIS match will be Monday, September 30, 2024. 

All states who have completed their documentation with the PARIS office will be notified further by ACF PARIS on which day to start submission of the file. 

States who have not submitted their documentation to ACF PARIS will not be able to participate in the upcoming match.  There are states currently processing to get notification that they are ready to transmit their match file. We ask that states send their currently active file for matching. 

If your state needs to confirm that they are participating, please contact the PARIS office at PARIS@ACF.HHS.GOV.

Currently there is no further update with DMDC. Do not submit your file to DMDC; please submit your file to the Treasury Do Not Pay Program.


Paris Member States

The PARIS Computer Matching Agreement (CMA) between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), State Public Assistance Agencies (SPAAs), and the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), which will expire on September 25, 2024, has been approved for a 12 month renewal for one additional year to September 25, 2025. 

In order for SPAAs to voluntarily participate in the matches that will occur between this 12-month period VA data under the PARIS Veterans Match CMA:

1.      The SPAA must have a valid signed VA 2024 -2025 agreement (PDF) on file with ACF/PARIS.

2.      An authorized representative of the SPAA must fill and sign the SPAA portion of the renewal agreement. Please see page 8 of the  PARIS VA CMA 2024-SPAA Signature (PDF) (PDF) .

We ask that states send the signed agreement, as well as any questions, to PARIS at PARIS@ACF.HHS.GOV.

This matching program provides SPAAs with VA compensation and pension data to use in determining public assistance clients’ eligibility for benefits under the Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, and general assistance programs, and can be use in helping relevant veterans to better understand similar benefits available through the VA which may be better alternatives for them.

States seeking to learn how to better leverage the Veterans Match may reach out to the PARIS Board of Directors 

DMDC is not accepting the August 2024 submission files for that match quarter. The computer matching agreement between the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS/ACF) and the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) is not signed. Please do not contact DMDC for the agreement OR to find out if your state can submit the match file. 

Since DMDC is not accepting the file, the hold is still in effect. ACF PARIS will notify you when the agreement is ready for signature. Also, check the PARIS website for updates regarding the match agreement and date. 

If you have any questions, please email HHS/ACF PARIS email: Please ensure you POC information on PARIS site is updated.