Paris Member States
The PARIS Agreement (MOA) between the Department of Treasury Bureau of Fiscal Service, State Public Assistance Agencies (SPAAs), and the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), is ready for signature.
In order for SPAAs to voluntarily participate in the matches SPAAs must establish an SFTP connection with Department of Treasury’s BFS OPI connection form. For the form please contact the PARIS office. Each SPAA must establish an SFTP connection with OPI to send data to and receive matched results.
If you have established connection to OPI Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) and submitted an agreement confirmed by ACF PARIS, State Public Assistance Agencies (SPAAs) can submit an active match file. Please use the following link and confirm the steps within.
1. The SPAA must have a valid signed PARIS OPI 2024 -2025 agreement (PDF) on file with ACF/PARIS.
2. An authorized representative of the SPAA must fill and sign the SPAA portion of the renewal agreement.
Please use 2024 ACF PARIS DNP Agreement (PDF).
3. Send the signed agreement, to PARIS at PARIS@ACF.HHS.GOV.
4. Submit your active file to OPI DNP. Use the following instructions for submission.
*Notice* ACF provides OPI a list of the SPAAs with current signed MOUs prior to the match. State without an active agreement will be excluded from match. For this PARIS match please only include your currently active file. OPI has informed us this match will be returned within 30 days. *Notice*
This matching program provides SPAAs with interstate matching to confirm duplication of benefits state wide and in determining public assistance clients’ eligibility for benefits under the Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, and general assistance programs.
States seeking to learn how to better leverage the ’PARIS Match’ may reach out to the PARIS Board of Directors .