NYTD Technical Bulletins

Current as of:

These technical bulletins supplement official guidance and assist states in developing and implementing the data collection and reporting requirements for the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD).

Technical Bulletin #1: File Structure - This TB describes the  information states are required to create and transmit in their NYTD data file to the federal NYTD system.

Technical Bulletin #2: Compliance Standards - This TB describes the standards a NYTD data file must meet to comply with the provisions of the NYTD regulation found at 45 CFR 1356.85, including element-by-element details of the error-free information standards states must meet pursuant to 45 CFR 1356.85(a)(3) and 1356.85(b)(1).

Technical Bulletin #3: Data Quality Advisories - This TB describes the data-quality checks that the federal NYTD system will conduct on state data files.

Technical Bulletin #4: System User Roles and Responsibilities - This TB provides and defines the roles and responsibilities for state users that will be given access to the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Portal.

Technical Bulletin #5: Cohort Management and Sampling - This TB describes how ACF will identify and finalize each cohort of youth in the NYTD follow-up population (or follow-up population sample for those states that opt to sample) for the purposes of assessing states' compliance with NYTD data collection and reporting requirements. The TB also specifies how states may opt to sample the baseline population for the purposes of collecting information on the follow-up population.