ACF-801 Online Help - Element 16

Family Size

Publication Date: March 28, 2016
Current as of:


The total count of individuals in the eligible family that is used for determining eligibility.

Data Standards


Always required

Out of Range

1 - 99:

Internal Inconsistency

If Element #5 (Single Parent) = 9 (child is reported as Head of Household), then this Element must =1; If Element #5 (Single Parent) is not = 9, then this Element must be greater than or equal to the number of children receiving services + 1.

Field Size


Format (NN)



Report the two digit value indicating the number of individuals in the eligible family. Except for unusual circumstances, if Element #5 is “0” then Element #16 should be greater than or equal to the number of children receiving services +2. Except for unusual circumstances, if Element #5 is “1” then Element #16 should be greater than or equal to the number of children receiving services +1.

For “unknown/not reported” use a blank or space.