ACF-801 Online Help - Element 30

Provider Unique State ID

Publication Date: March 28, 2016
Current as of:


A unique identifying number assigned to the Provider by the State that does not change over time.

Data Standards


Always Required if Element #29 (Provider FEIN) is not reported.

Out of Range

All alphanumeric characters allowed.

Internal Inconsistency

If element #29 (Provider FEIN) is not reported, then this Element must be reported and must uniquely identify the provider over time (i.e., each monthly report).

Field Size



Unique identifying number, up to fifteen characters, assigned by the State to the Provider receiving CCDF funds.


Report the unique id assigned to the provider by the State. If identifier is less than fifteen digits, use leading zeros. For example, 19056 should be coded as 000000000019056.

If the State provided a location specific FEIN in Element #29 this field may be left blank. In the absence of a location specific FEIN, the Office of Child Care requires that States use a location specific Unique State Identifier. If a provider operates in multiple locations, each location must have a unique ID.

If a case has neither FEIN nor a Unique State Identifier, the data related to the provider cannot be processed. Effective with the October 2015 report, SSNs may not be used as the Unique State Provider ID.

For “unknown/not reported,” use blanks or spaces.
