ACF-801 Online Help - Element 34

QRIS Rating

Publication Date: March 28, 2016
Current as of:


The QRIS rating for the provider. The State must provide a key explaining the code for quality levels in a footnote.

Data Standards


Optional. Required from October 2017 for grantees participating with Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS).

Out of Range

All alphanumeric characters allowed.

Internal Inconsistency

If Element #33 is coded 1, then this element must be answered. If Element #33 is answered 0, 7, 8, or 9, the answer to this element must be ‘999’.

Field Size



Three digit alpha numeric codes assigned by the State indicating the QRIS rating of the participating provider.


Report the QRIS rating for the provider. The State must choose and enter a three digit code of alphanumeric characters to correspond with the provider’s appropriate level of QRIS rating.

If the Lead Agency did not answer “Yes” to question 33, report (999). OCC recommends using “888” if the provider is participating but has not yet received a rating.

Note that a zero may be used for a specific reason; for “unknown/not reported” use a blank or space.

A FOOTNOTE is required to explain the rating scale.