AFI Grant Awards

Publication Date: August 7, 2017
Current as of:

No funds were appropriated for the Assets for Independence (AFI) program for federal fiscal year 2017. Therefore, the Administration of Children and Families (ACF) will not be making new grant awards for the AFI program.

AFI grants awarded in FY 2016 and before are not affected by the FY 2017 appropriation, as the total award amount was obligated for those grants at the time that they were made. Organizations operating AFI projects with existing grants are responsible for continuing to operate those projects for the funded project period indicated on the notice of grant award.


Assets for Independence (AFI) is a community-based approach for giving low-income families a hand up out of poverty. Utilizing existing individual and community assets, AFI strengthens communities from within through the use of matched savings accounts called Individual Development Accounts (IDAs). Through financial education, AFI demonstrates the use and impact of IDAs to help low-income individuals move toward greater self-sufficiency.

View the list of recent grant awards:
