What We Do

Publication Date: December 6, 2011
Current as of:

The Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) is a federal-state partnership that insures the integrity of public assistance programs through detecting and deterring improper payments. PARIS works with all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to assist them in maintaining the honorable intentions of public programs. Submission dates are posted on the PARIS home page.

See the FAQs page for answers to common PARIS questions. 

PARIS Match Process

The PARIS match process is described in this visual and written summary below. There are two main phases of the PARIS matching program—the CMA signature process, which recurs every 18 months, and the quarterly match process.

Flowchart of the PARIS match process



Phase 1: CMA Signature (Every 18 Months)

To participate in the PARIS matching, states must sign an 18-month Computer Matching Agreement (CMA). This CMA process is carried out in the following order: 

  1. HHS PARIS uploads a CMA to the PARIS site. Additionally, PARIS Board of Directors (BOD) email a transmittal copy to all State Public Assistance Agency (SPAA) administrative representatives. HHS provides an updated CMA to all U.S. states and territories every 18-month period. Renewal of a signed CMA is available, not to exceed 1 additional year.

  1. SPAAs email a signed copy of the CMA back to HHS PARIS. 

  1. PARIS office records the CMA submission and works with states to complete forms 

  1. PARIS reviews the approved SPAA list quarterly and creates Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for DMDC from submitted forms 

Phase 2: Quarterly Match Process

HHS PARIS facilitates the matching program with Federal partners for SPAAs. The quarterly match process is carried out in the following order: 

  1. HHS sends list of participating SPAAs with signed CMAs to DMDC. 

  1. SPAAs send raw data files to DMDC. VA sends data files to DMDC. 

  1. DMDC runs 3 matches:
VA, Federal, and Interstate. 

  1. DMDC returns match to SPAAs and sends match reports to HHS. 

  1. HHS posts match reports on the PARIS website for SPAAs to view.